The following definitions and rules of interpretation apply in these Conditions.
Agreement: the contract between the Customer and EASYMOVE for the supply of the Services in accordance with these Conditions, the Order and any Schedules.
Business Day: a day other than a weekend or public holiday in the relevant country where Services are being provided.
Charges: the charges payable by the Customer for the supply of the Services in the relevant Order, in accordance with clause 8. The prices for any sea & air freight will be the cost to EASYMOVE plus an agreed margin.
Conditions: these terms and conditions as amended from time to time in accordance with clause 11.6.
Consumer Price Index: the measure of inflation published from time to time by the UK National Statistics Office or the equivalent in any relevant jurisdiction.
Customer: the person or firm who purchases Services from EASYMOVE.
Customer Materials: all information, systems, concepts, brands, logos, illustrations, materials and documents supplied by the Customer to EASYMOVE.
Data Protection Laws: any applicable data protection or privacy laws or regulations including the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and any laws that implement, supersede, replace or override any of those laws or regulations, and the terms “personal data”, “data controller”, “data processor”, “data subject”, “personal subject” and “processing” have the meanings given to those terms in the applicable Data Protection Laws from time to time.
Deliverables: all documents, products and materials provided by EASYMOVE to the Customer in relation to the Services.
Event of Force Majeure: any circumstance not within a party's reasonable control including, without limitation, strikes, lockouts or other labour disputes or disturbances, acts of nature, fire, floods, lightning, severe weather, shortages of materials, rationing, utility failures, failure of or delay of any person from which the party must obtain information in order to perform its obligations under the Agreement (other than a Group company of such party), failure or delay in any system of electronically transmitting or receiving information or funds, earthquakes, war, revolution, terrorist act, civil commotion, acts of public enemies, blockade, embargo, or any law, order, proclamation, regulation, ordinance, demand or requirement having legal effect of any government or any judicial authority or representative of any such government.
Group: in relation to a party, that party, any subsidiary or holding company of that party, and any subsidiary of a holding company of that party.
Intellectual Property Rights: all copyright, trade marks, service marks, trade, business and domain names, rights in computer software, database rights, rights in confidential information and any other intellectual or industrial property rights, whether registered or unregistered and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection in any part of the world.
Order: a written order for Services in any form that the parties may agree from time to time.
Representatives: directors, officers, employees, agents, sub-contractors and professional advisers.
EASYMOVE: EASYMOVE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED incorporated in HKSAR and whose registered address is Room 1201, 12/F, MAI WO INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, 90-98 KWAI CHEONG ROAD, KWAI CHUNG. N.T. HONG KONG, or any other member of the EASYMOVE Group, as relevant.
Services: the services, (as may be amended from time to time by agreement between the parties), including any Deliverables, to be supplied by EASYMOVE to the Customer and as set out in the Specification.
Specification: the description or specification of the Services provided in writing by EASYMOVE to the Customer.
Supplier IPRs: all Intellectual Property Rights subsisting in the Deliverables excluding any Customer Materials incorporated in them.
If the Event of Force Majeure continues for more than 30 days, the other party may, terminate the Agreement and EASYMOVE will give the Customer a pro-rata refund of any Charges paid in advance. This clause will not be used to excuse either party from any payment obligations under the Agreement.
地址 (香港辦公室)
地址 (香港倉庫)
佳宏C倉 (葵涌),新界葵涌貨柜碼頭南路 18 號,和黃物流中心605 - 606室
電話 / WhatsApp
+852 46285535
地址 (加拿大辦公室)
UNIT 602, 33 COX BLVD, Markham, L3R 8A6
地址 (多倫多倉庫)
100 Burncrest Road, Markham, Ontario L3R 0B7
地址 (溫哥華倉庫)
16062 Portside Road, Richmond, BC V6X 1M1
地址 (滿地可倉庫)
1212, 32nd Avenue Lachine, QC H8T 3K7
電話 / WhatsApp (加拿大)
+1 647 2688698
請將你想問嘅問題Send去[email protected]聯絡EASYMOVE團隊,或者可以瀏覽「常見問題」睇下幫唔幫到手。